The transsexuals see what’s happened. We hear women say they can tell when a certain male energy enters a room. They want spaces for themselves where they don’t have to feel that../
...I know that feeling bc I’m biologically female & have experienced that. I felt that same energy when many trans women came in too. As a woman, it felt uncomfortable - not bc they were trans or bad people - I just wanted spaces where I didn’t have to feel that.../
...I’m sure people sense something different about me as a trans man too. We have to be sensitive to the impact of that on others. We get to be us, but we also have a responsibility to work this out in a way that doesn’t harm others...
... Other people have a say in how trans impacts their world. It requires social negotiation in consideration of different angles and realities. We’re carving out space for ourselves. We can’t steal space from others. We don’t need to to belong.
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