Chesterton's Metaverse: An independent effort to create a global network of interoperable virtual worlds without understanding why flaws exist in existing standards bodies.
Hypercorps' Metaverse: A virtual world interop specification that a small number of platform owners share but internally control.
Manufacturers' Metaverse: A virtual world interoperation implementation from a GPU manufacturer, headset manufacturer, or other manufacturer that only works well on their hardware.
Easy Peasy Metaverse: A set of virtual world interop specs and/or implementations that don't address essential problems like permission management, trusted UI, cross-site scripting, and paying artists.
Shooters' Metaverse: A set of inter-operating, photo-realistic, multi-player game worlds where shooting people and NPCs is the primary purpose.
Money Multiverse: A set of inter-operating virtual worlds that are optimized around ownership and capitalism with little attention paid to non-monetary goals.
Mosaic Metaverse: A set of loosely connected virtual spaces that run badly because they are awkwardly shoehorned into document rendering engines with baggage from the 90s.
Advertisers' Metaverse: A set of free and interconnected virtual spaces that track our environment and actions in order to display vaguely relevant purchasing pleas.
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