it's later than i planned, but this is a thread of what i wanted to say after seeing violet evergarden: the movie.

no spoilers (1/9)
there are things i'd say about "violet evergarden: the movie" that i wouldn't necessarily say about the rest of the work, but ultimately the movie is the capstone on what makes violet evergarden a compelling allegory of finding the means to express oneself and ... (2/9)
... thus a story that resonates with me. i've spent a lot of my time in learning to expand my vocabulary in order to say what i really think precisely and succinctly, but what took me the longest to learn is how to express how i truly feel the moment i feel it. (3/9)
it's something i couldn't learn in a book. something i still haven't learned very well. sometimes even with time to ponder and process my emotions, it's still very difficult to speak out loud my real thoughts and sincere emotions. (4/9)
ever since i've taken to talking over text through phones or the internet, i've found it easier to communicate via written word, regardless of its shortcomings as a means of conveying the tones or nuances of speech. (5/9)
in spite of that, i've also struggled with the stigma that comes with delegating important feelings to writing, feeling as though if it's truly so important i should be able to say it face to face. (6/9)
there are a lot of things i love about violet evergarden, the most important of which is the affirmation that every form of expression is valid. what's most important is that i say what needs to be said and find the way that allows me to say it the best that i can. (7/9)
all expressions are important, because it's our self expression that makes us who we are in the eyes of others. if a feeling is truly important, the recipient must accept it no matter the form so long as it is sincere. (8/9)
this is what makes the whole of violet evergarden special to me. thank you. (9/9)
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