@PhillyD hey saw the video today. I’m autistic person and have been very outspoken about the Next for Autism discussion. Making a quick thread to just add some thoughts and clarifications to the video for you to hopefully share our perspective better.
The CADB changed their mission statement yesterday without any sort of statement. To many of us it looks like a cover-up to avoid backlash.
Next for Autism has pushed for the intensive ABA treatment in multiple schools and institutions as you can see in this thread here https://twitter.com/autsciperson/status/1384562695249215493?s=21
even if you drop the comparison between ABA and conversion therapy, there has been intense discussion about how ABA induced trauma into those who go through it. Multiple scientific studies have been conducted that have recorded the traumatic effects of ABA.
So the blanket statements by Next for Autism that the claims on social media are outrageous misinformation is just wrong. It’s an example of autistic voices being talked over.
Advocates like Chloe (who made the petition) are known for using very harsh language like the term eugenics which throws people off, but what else do you call research that seeks to prevent and cure autism?
And of course the fact that this organization has made the statement they made and do what they do without any autistic leadership or any people with autism on the BoD. Hope this adds more perspective and you get to see some of these thoughts Phil
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