dont you ever get tired of being relentlessly, unyeildingly exposed to the trauma of ppl u dont know? idk im just thinking abt how the internet has trained us to without question, share the deepest darkest parts of our souls and i dunno how healthy that is
im not prepared to like, process another persons trauma especially if i dont know them. im not prepared or equipped to know how to respond to someone i dont personally know talking about how bad they wanna die, whether theyre being hyperbolic or not. (cont)
i think its very healthy and good to share how youre doing with people you trust and are close to, but i feel like we're so used to just listing out our neuroses and our trauma for all to see without a second thought and it feels really bad. (cont)
im probably not phrasing this well. im not saying that itd be better to bottle everything up and hide your damage until it breaks you or you actually do die, im just like.. idk. we're not built to be exposed to this much pain every day of our lives. (cont)
this isnt about anyone or anything in particular btw, im just kinda musing on it. i worry for teens who have carrds with like, every diagnoses theyve ever been handed, what their triggers are, whether or not theyre actively suicidal, etc. like. u do realise (cont)
that by sharing that much, you are making it much much easier for ppl to hurt you if they want to. again idk! i mute/unfollow when im exposed to pain/trauma that im not equipped to handle. i curate my own experience pretty well. i just wish that like (cont)
folks who use the internet, especially young folks, had a little more prudence about what they share wrt their mental state/wellbeing/etc. find safe spaces to work out your shit and dont expose yourself heart out and chest broken open to anyone who has access to you. (cont)
and for those of us (like myself) who just str8 up cannot handle being exposed to trauma - dont feel bad for muting/unfollowing/blocking. ur not selfish for taking ur own mental health into consideration and doing what is right for you. (cont)
on that note, i also think its very fair and healthy to like, tell someone that u cant handle their trauma if you can't & theyre talking to u about it? i know this is a Spicy Subject and ppl who disagree w/me often paint folks w/my mindset out to be fucking sociopaths but (cont)
setting boundaries is really important. setting boundaries for how much u share, who you share it with, how much trauma u can personally cope with, how much energy you have to help someone, its all important! humans in general are, i think, naturally sympathetic (cont)
but i know a lot of people who just do not know when to take a step back and ive seen it impact them negatively. i mean take me for example. for those of u aware of whats going on w my mother, my dad has called me every night these past 2 wks either to vent or cry (cont)
at me. i have limited emotional capacity to deal w it. i love him to pieces but i have my own obligations and my own life and my own shit to cope with and as much as i wanna help, i recognize that i am also 300 mi. away and at some point, listening to him sob abt how much (cont)
he misses the way my mom used to be is neither helpful nor productive and it begins to impact my psyche. i am setting a boundary so i dont crash & burn myself, and he understands. i wish more ppl would implement that mindset. it is ok to put yourself first when you have to.
not only that, but im like, WAY more capable to help & support him when ive had time to decompress and come back w a fresh pov? if i burn out emotionally, if i flip out and lose my shit too, i will not be helpful to him when he needs me most. (cont)
anyway this thread is getting away from me. these r just some thots i am having about mental health bc i been goin thru it lately.
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