It might be a lil late, but Happy Birthday Shouta Mitarai! I love you and every little thing about you, so I thought I'd compile a whole thread of trivia about you to celebrate the occasion! Please forgive your Producer for the lateness 人(︶▽︶)

The Basics 🪐
-Shouta's 14yo, the youngest member of Jupiter. He's also the youngest 961Pro idol that's been in the series so far.
-Alongside the rest of Jupiter, Shouta debuted in Idolmaster 2, where the group were with 961Pro. SideM bought them back, now under 315Pro.
-Shouta is a lil shit who teases others. He has a playful personality and likes to get a reaction from others, though he never means it with any malice.
-In particular, his favourite target is Touma. His hot-blooded personality makes him the perfect person to tease constantly.
-Shouta is often sleepy and takes naps whenever he has the opportunity. He often sleeps at the office or even during Jupiter's meetings.
-That being said, he never half-asses anything and he gets fired up easily when on stage. He's also pretty athletic on top of that.
-Shouta loves being the centre of attention. He wishes to make "the whole world revolve around him". He's charismatic and can charm pretty much anybody easily.
-He also considers himself pretty cute and talented at pretty much anything. He's not necessarily wrong about that-
Skills 🎶
-Shouta is Jupiter's "dance"-focused member, being skilled in various dance skills, such as cartwheels, round-offs and backflips! Backflips are his specialty, and are listed as one of his skills.
-He often participates in street dances, and often wins them at that.
-Shouta's a skilled acrobat, as evidenced in events such as "Dream Time Circus". He was also in the WT China grouping, which consisted of idols known for their acrobatic skills, despite being the only member of the group not in the series' Physical attribute category!
-Shouta often bigs himself up and loves to praise himself: he often boasts that he's capable of pretty much anything. However, he often has the skills to back these claims up: he can and will put in well over 100% effort into the things he wants to master.
-However, this can sometimes be a weakness of his. If he's not proud of his current work or skill-level, there's a good chance he'll overwork himself trying to master it. In his SideMems, Touma and Hokuto noted he hadn't left the practice room all day due to him working too much.
-Shouta also seems to have a slight knack for picking up skills swiftly. He learned some tennis skills from Hokuto during the Tennis event without too much trial-and-error, and is able to get into role for dramas and films, even when playing the exact opposite of himself.
Acting 🎬
-Alongside the other members of Jupiter, Shouta's starred in a few dramas and movies during SideMoba events. Very recently he got his first protagonist role, Dino, in the Moonlit Night Encounter event.
-Shouta is noted to be a pretty talented actor by the other idols.
-In CafePara's NSE drama tracks, it's noted that he can pretty convincingly fake reactions to things, which he tries (and fails) to use to convince CafePara to let him eat some food intended for a filming before said filming begins.
-In addition, he can cry on command, and fake crying pretty convincingly. In the past, he used this ability to get what he wanted from others, particularly those at 765Pro. Some character development later, and this trick is one he no longer uses.
The Little Brother Idol 🎀
-Shouta is regarded as being "the nation's little brother". Shouta has what's described as "little brother power", aka the power to convince pretty much anyone to do things for him: all he has to do is look cute and ask nicely, and he'll get his way.
-Shouta's "little brother power" is truly a sight to behold: it works on everyone and anyone, even people who've never met him before.
-Shouta refers to his fans as his big brothers and big sisters. If you consider yourself one of his fans, congrats! You're his big sib now!
Family 🏡
-Of course, Shouta's little brother charms are literal as well. He's the youngest member of his family and has 3 older sisters.
-His sisters' names aren't known (yet), but their designs are.
-The Mitarais are close, Shouta's never once argued with his sisters.
-The above trivia isn't exaggerated: in Moonlit Night Encounter, Shouta reveals that he and his siblings being as close as they are is why he struggles with his role as a demon who wants vengeance on his brother: he can't even imagine an argument between siblings.
-Shouta's sisters spoil him rotten. They give him everything he wants and often fawn over him and his cuteness.
-Shouta has a lot of knowledge on accessories and ideal White Day gifts due to often going shopping with his sisters.
-His sisters take him out a lot.
-His sisters often put cute hairpins in his hair, and he usually doesn't notice until it's pointed out to him. Whether it's to tease him or because his sisters think it's cute is unknown, but that's ok.
-Shouta knows a lot about hair pins because of this.
-Every Halloween, his sisters pick his Halloween costume for him. Spoiler alert, they always pick cross-dressing outfits for him. His record so far involves a cheongsam, a maid dress and a high-school girls' uniform. He's not exactly happy with this fact.
-Growing up, Shouta pretty much only had girls' toys to play with because of his siblings all being girls. In particular one thing he remembers is having wanted a model train, but he didn't get one. (I hope he gets one someday)
-Speaking of his family, family is why he became an idol: his second oldest sister had a crush on Shouta's at-the-time future unitmate, Hokuto. She sent Shouta's resume to 961Pro (without his permission) in hopes of getting closer to Hokuto through proxy.
-And in case you're wondering, yes, second oldest sister does still have that crush on Hokuto, and yes, is still using Shouta as her proxy to get close to him. One 1Koma features her giving Shouta cake to take to the office, only for it to turn out to be a gift for Hokuto.
-However, as time has gone by, Shouta's family has extended in a way. He has his fans (his older brothers and sisters!), and Jupiter can be considered as close as brothers. In certain card lines, he also says he considers Producer to be a part of his family.
Relations with others 💞
-Shouta can get along with most people pretty well, but his biggest bonds are with the Producer and those in Jupiter.
-Outside of that group, he also seems to have struck up a friendship with Daigo, Takeru and the Aoi brothers.
-In the early days, back at 961Pro, Shouta and the other members of Jupiter didn't know each other that well. However, after leaving 961Pro and gaining the chance to talk more, they're now a much closer unit who get along as though they've known each other years.
-Shouta loves and respects the other members of Jupiter, even if he's not exactly willing to say that openly.
-He considers Touma to be fun to tease, but does find him interesting as well.
-Hokuto can basically be said to be his older brother dynamic-wise.
-Although Shouta's sister was the one who put him up to being an idol, it was actually Touma who solidified for him that he wanted to be an idol himself: Shouta saw Touma rehearsing and found him interesting immediately, and wanted to follow those footsteps.
-Shouta respects Touma a lot, he looks up to him as the leader of Jupiter and his reason for having decided to stick with being an idol.
-He teases Touma a lot, but it's ultimately his way of showing he cares for the guy, and he uses it as a way of easing tense moods.
-Although it can sometimes seem like he's taking jabs at Touma out-of-nowhere, often he uses said jabs as a way to distract Touma from the things bothering him, which Touma himself has realised before in the past.
-Touma himself sees Shouta as a skilled person. Although he's easily annoyed by Shouta's teasing, he does recognise Shouta's skills and wants to head forward with both him and Hokuto as friends, rivals and idols.
-Shouta also looks up to Hokuto as well. Shouta's usual teasing and pranks don't have the same effect on Hokuto as they do others, so their banter comes across more like a pair of brothers joking around with each other.
-The two are shown to often spend time together outside work as well, in one 1Koma Shouta invites Hokuto with him to go and play futsal with and a friend*, and the two are shown to get along well.
(*no we do not know who this friend is but im getting to the point related to that in a minute)
-Jupiter's relationship chart shows that Hokuto does view Shouta to be like a little brother to him.
-Although a lot of the adults in Shouta's life spoil him, Hokuto avoids doing the same, he treats him with the same respect he treats everyone else.
-Oddly enough, even though Shouta wishes to have the world revolve around him, and even though he can get along with most people just fine, he doesn't actually have that many friends his own age.
-Notably, Shouta doesn't get along with any of his classmates at school. Shouta says that his classmates' attention is "annoying", though this fact hasn't been elaborated on.
-Shouta's monthly lines for April have him complaining that new school semesters are annoying for him because of this, his classmates "talk to him a lot", and he views this as something that requires too much work to keep up with.
-Shouta says he doesn't like standing out at school. The Days of Jupiter manga shows that he also changes up his look whilst at school, letting down his hair and wearing darker colours, likely in order to avoid standing out.
-However, he has managed to build a friendship with someone his own age: Daigo. The two of them are the sole 14-year-olds of 315Pro, and are both skilled dancers at that. They're also both their unit's youngest member and have large families.
-Shouta has apparently developed a bit of an interest in gaming because of Daigo, Daigo's taken Shouta to an arcade that he later took Hokuto to as well.
-The two of them were in WT China together, where Shouta was able to get Daigo to open up to him about what was on his mind.
-The WakeMini anime also shows the two getting along whilst F-LAGS are at Touma's house alongside Jupiter. Shouta sees Daigo's skills with knifework as pretty damn impressive.
-WT China also shows Shouta getting on with Takeru and Minori (Minori is a huge Jupiter fan!)
-The anime also shows him getting along with W, the three of them host a program together and mesh well together. The duo are even able to get Shouta to confess that Touma is the reason he stuck with idol work.
-Shouta, in spite of these strong bonds with other people, actually doesn't do well with opening up about his true feelings. He once admitted to Producer that he views Jupiter as a very precious thing to him, though he then tried to play said confession off as a joke.
-When it comes to his feelings, the Producer is the only person Shouta feels like he can truly confide in without worry. He often admits things to the Producer that he hides from Touma and Hokuto, and sees Producer as an important person in his life.
-Shouta often asks the Producer to spend time with him and the two spend a lot of time together. Shouta sees the Producer as a reliable person he can be himself around, and has also told the Producer that they're welcome to join him for family events.
-Shouta views the Producer as the one person he can safely rely on to "rescue" him when things start going south: he's asked Producer if this is the case in both subtle and non-subtle ways before, and is always grateful for the Producer's advice.
-Even in his SideMems, when he started over-working himself because he was unhappy with his recent defeat during a dance battle, Touma and Hokuto's questioning wasn't enough to make him reveal his unhappiness: it was Producer reserving time for him that got him to start talking.
True Feelings 💚
-Shouta is very reluctant to talk about himself. Well, he'll talk about his talents and cuteness non-stop, but when it comes to things below the surface, Shouta suddenly becomes surprisingly secretive about what's on his mind.
-As stated above, he usually keeps anything weighing on his mind a secret from his unitmates. We've yet to truly see him open up about his feelings to anybody besides the Producer, but I'm sure when it happens (eventually), it'll be a pretty moving thing to see.
-Shouta has said before that he can only be "his true self" around his family, Touma, Hokuto and the Producer. This most likely refers to the side of him that exists outside of his "nation's little brother" shtick.
-Shouta is aware that he comes across as a little, innocent kid. He can sometimes use this to his advantage to defuse tense situations, but it's also shown that it's because of this that he sometimes doesn't know how to help his unitmates out.
-Although Shouta and his sisters are incredibly close, there are a few hints here and there that he's starting to get a bit tired of how they treat him, namely his October monthly line.
-It's shown that when things don't go the way he expects them to, Shouta gets stressed easily. When he doesn't perfect something and ends up in the cycle of overwork, his frustrations tend to pile up and swiftly turn his problems into unhealthy fixations.
-Shouta generally tends to downplay his own feelings as jokes, and avoids issues he doesn't like unless he has no choice but to confront them.
-Shouta once stated before he sometimes feels "useless as a human being"*, albeit spoken playfully to try and play it off.
-*The reason he thinks this sometimes is because of his tendency to sleep past train stops, the fact his sisters often have to do things for him, etc. It shows he does sometimes feel bad that others feel the need to do things for him.
-Even though Shouta is reluctant to share his own emotions, he seems borderline empathic to others' emotions. He can tell when the Producer is happy or sad, and can often read others' feelings even when there's little-to-no visual clues as to what they're feeling.
-It's impressive just how much Shouta can deduce about a person's feelings just from a glance: it seems that once he gets close to someone, he can read them like a book at just the tiniest change in their behaviour, even if the person's not realised they've been acting strange.
-Shouta often relies on others, though he has always told Producer time and time again that they can rely on him for anything. Whether it be stress or sadness or anything really, Shouta's there. Shouta even says he'd protect the Producer from anything bad that tried to get them.
Misc. 🍬
-Shouta has an incredible sweet tooth. He loves candy and is often seen talking about the food he'd like to eat after jobs or live shows. He's even put extra effort into jobs before purely because of the promise of snacks after said jobs.
-Shouta adores sweets and candy, and also chocolate. In particular he likes white chocolate and also praline chocolate!
-He's also a fan of cake. He gets a little upset during the Wedding event when he nails a take in one try because he wanted to eat more cake.
-Shouta cannot swim. It is the one thing Touma can consistently use against him that Shouta doesn't have a smartass comeback for.
-He also does not like caterpillars, and may even be a little afraid of them. One fell on him as a kid and he's never liked them as a result.
-In early Imas content, he had a reputation as "the little devil idol" due to his mischievous personality. Although said reputation has dwindled slightly, it's made a slight resurgence thanks to Moonlit Night Encounter and DOS.
-Shouta believes he's blessed by God. No, literally. He genuinely believes he can solve anything by praying hard enough, and somehow his luck is so bizarre that whenever he does pray, something unrelated happens that fixes whatever issue he has. It's incredible.
-Shouta in general has astoundingly good luck. He often wins on lotteries and it's also possibly one of the sources of his ever-successful "little brother charm".

It seems he's even capable of convincing the planets to constantly align for him!
-Shouta can be a sore loser. If he loses something like an audition, he'll usually make up an excuse, such as claiming that he "got bored all of a sudden". He also doesn't appreciate when Hokuto didn't fight him back in a fighting game they were playing.
-Although "I got bored all of a sudden" is one of Shouta's excuses, he has been shown to have a slightly fickle attention span: usually when something bores him, he loses interest and energy in a flash.
-When Shouta's bored, expect him to make it very clear. He does not show his boredom subtly.
-Also very impatient. Before Touma told him about streaming sites he didn't like the idea of watching anime because it'd require him to sit in front of the TV at the same time every week.
-Has a blog for his idol activities and apparently takes the pictures uploaded to it seriously. He once chewed out Touma for not taking a good enough pic for him to post and started lecturing him on what makes a good picture, right down to the camera angle.
-Reads manga in his spare time.
-Has just the slightest flair for the dramatic, in Crimson Live when he witnessed a (pretend) fight between two delinquents his reaction was pretty much just "wow, that's cool!"
-He's expressed an interest in playing the role of a detective, he hopes that someday a spin-off of Detective Aaron will come out centred around his character, the sidekick Shooty Dan.
-Sometimes wears glasses, which he even points out in the anime. Although it's likely in order to digsuise himself in public, aforementioned anime line and his offshot imply he may simply like wearing them, or that he may be short-sighted.
Conclusion! 💤
-Thank you for reading all of this! As you can probably tell from all of this, Shouta means a lot to me as a character. I'm so happy to be his Producer, and I hope this thread can show how amazing he is to others!

One last bit of trivia: Shouta's very important.
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