Well, I've been boarding homeless trans women for the last um.... Mmm. Five years? Six? Idk, time is weird. But anyway, that alone is more than you're doing by actively discouraging people from making a difference.

I also organize with a number of antiracist and queer groups. https://twitter.com/SleepyJosh98/status/1384680792526409728
Oh, and I'm a sociologist, so like.... I literally analyze statistics on social injustice for a living.

Been organizing with the local Food Not Bombs a bit, although I lost contact with them when the Plague hit because my town horribly mismanaged its plague response.
There are a number of other things i don't care to talk about as well.

But also, my credentials as an activist aren't in question here, because *I'm* not the one who was telling people not to work towards a better future because it's impossible.
But hey, I'm sure your "pragmatism" does more than my material activism.
Ooh, oppositional work against the local white supremacist cult. That's always fun, making sure their Aryan Nations worshipping asses can't spread their hate and lies unchallenged.
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