People who have all outsold Lady Gaga; a thread
Taylor Swift

With the ability to NOT flop, Taylor continues to outsell Gaga without needing a feature to keep her decaying career afloat. She also has the ability to switch up genres and still maintain commercial success, unlike Gaga who still gives 2008 pop 💀

The woman who is literally the closest thing we have to a Michael Jackson (if not already surpassed) has outsold Gaga NUMEROUS times over, both as a soloist AND as a groupmember of the ICONIC Destiny’s Child. She’s also outawarded, outsang, outperformed, outEVERYTHING.
Katy Perry

The Queen of 2010’s nostalgia kept her foot on Gaga’s NECK for her entire career and the multiple Diamond singles (most of any female) and Michael Jackson record tying “Teenage Dream” record of 5 CONSECUTIVE #1 hits proves this! She truly ended Fadga
Ariana Grande

The current Queen of the streaming era was charitable enough to give Hipga a successful era by single handedly saving her 2nd single after the DISASTER that was Stupid Flop. Other than this, her 6 studio albums have all out shipped any of Gaga’s albums!
Nicki Minaj

The Queen of Rap continues to take some self-time from single handedly carrying the rap game on her shoulders for the past 12 years, but how can we forget how Starships alone outsold any Gaga song in pure since her debut era? Truly a queen!
Maybe if the Little Monstrosities bought Chromatica they could save themselves from this embarrassment but like their fav they TANKED. End of thread.
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