So George Floyd "sacrificed his life" for justice.

I guess that's what she said. Hard to say through the mask. Mainly just mumbling.

Jaslyn Adams died Sunday.

She was in the back seat of her family car ordering a Happy Meal at McDonald's in Chicago.

I have heard NO ONE...
talking about her today. Nobody. Leftist, "conservative," nobody.

Floyd was an ex-con on drugs resisting arrest, Jaslyn was 7 years old and looking forward to fries and a toy in her Happy Meal.

The Speaker of the House says Floyd sacrificed his life for justice.
What did Jaslyn sacrifice her life for?

Where are the protests? Where is BLM? The crews from CNN and MSNBC? Why isn't there a mural being painted at the McDonalds?

Let's be honest. Won't happen. Chances are very high this was a gang hit---whether intentional or mistaken...
and just has many thousands have died over the past decades in Chicago due not to "gun violence" but due to gangs and drugs (they simply use guns, knives, cars, whatever) and there are no murals or funerals for them, Jaslyn will be forgotten as well. Why? Real easy:
her story does not give Nancy Pelosi political power.

The solution to the violence that took Jaslyn's life involves strengthening families and marriages, shaming those who promote drugs and prostitution and infidelity--in other words, going back to the foundational beliefs...
that made black families strong many decades ago. And that does not produce political leverage and power. So, the real solutions are dangerous to the totalitarians, so they will have their lap dogs (the media) bury the story. It is not "helpful." So it will happen again.
And again. And again. All the deaths that provide no "narrative support" will be ignored and buried, no solutions looked for---in fact, solutions will be avoided. This is the culture of death flexing its political muscle.
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