In news of how my day is going. c stepped out the car to help the Fast food worker who was struggling with his food, and his electronic key glitched and locked Paris in the car with it running but wouldn’t let him unlock or open the door.
He was going to call the police and I almost had a heart attack getting him our local fire department’s number instead. They showed promptly and unlocked the car. Electronic keys now terrify me
Paris is fine. C sang songs with her the whole time to keep him and her calm till the fire department came. They came in 7 minutes. Now we will have a talk with VW about how often these keys need maintenance or recharge
And C is terrified to ever shut the car door with The girls inside (good).
This is what my ass get for asking for fast food instead of cooking. The universe did not like that
Oh but I’m really proud of myself. My initial reaction was to demand why C ever stepped out the car and closed the door with it on and Paris inside.
Then I realized that wouldn’t help anything. Breathed for a good 10 minutes with Riley in our yard and sent this
It would have been useless blaming and shaming to do that, especially when he was dealing with the crisis. I will bring it up in our family meeting later this week as a reminder that it would comfort me if he tried to never do that again. I don’t care what’s happening to Susan
See, positive Discipline my children has helped me be a better partner too. Lol
So instead of us fighting and him panicking and calling the police. He came home in 15 minutes and we did this
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