I realize this take of mine may be controversial, but the modern collapse of sexual desire does seem to suggest that our civilization has become bored with vanilla sex and we must move towards a more BDSM / Slaaneshi aesthetic in order to survive.
look, I'm not saying we couldn't ALSO solve this problem by removing the supply constraints that turn housing, medicine, childcare, and education into Infinite Price Engines; but we're clearly NOT going to do that, leaving Slaanesh as our only option https://twitter.com/goodeyegenes/status/1384668451759824897?s=20
so many commenters suggesting things that are FAR less politically realistic than a mass civilizational turn towards Slaaneshi decadence. get inside the Overton Window you poor naive bunnies.
Trad Twitter seems to have picked up this tweet via the usual Sort By Controversial dynamic, some of them are going "Who's Slaanesh?", and if Trad-Slaaneshi Twitter is birthed from this it will... make a surprisingly good allegory on social media as Warp catastrophe, actually
Trad Twitter, if I can permit myself a moment of seriousness, selective amplification of terrible terrible bad takes via angry quote-tweeting is part of how our civilization is *actually* collapsing.
and now explicitly anti-Semitic Twitter seems to have entered the ring😬
on the plus side, I bet no previous take has so united the opinions of Nofap Twitter and Warhammer 40K Meme Twitter
The fall of the Eldar was caused by their social media structure: quote-tweeting of terrible takes caused bad ideas to have a higher virality coefficient than good ideas. This was too hard to understand so the Emperor made up a story about sexual excess. https://twitter.com/vonzarovik/status/1384727201690656768
I wish I didn't live in a world where this disclaimer was needed, but let me be very clear: to the extent that society moves in a Slaaneshi direction, it should only emulate smart Slaaneshi who use safewords and keep their mad orgies safe, sane, and consensual. #NotMySlaanesh
"Is there actually a collapse of sexual desire?" you ask. Below is pretty typical of the sort of charts I've seen. (Somebody posted the error bars on this particular chart and they're relatively wide, but I'd still bet on the trend replicating.) https://twitter.com/notegone/status/1384700871355731974?s=20
That said, you'd obviously want to conduct a much more, er, *specialized*, Twitter debate, before you started having any deeply held beliefs in regards to what the evidence says about whether sex and sexual desire have decreased over the last 20 years in some wealthy countries.
you know what
*takes a deep breath*
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