Y'all I might need to fight Sebastian Stan for breaking my damn heart.

So I've been obsessively poring over footage of Stan playing James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes, right, in the interests of replicating the Winter Soldier murder strut.
And then I went back and watched Captain America: The First Avenger, where we briefly see pre-war Bucky, right?
Watch this walk Bucky has. His shoulders track with the opposite foot, not just his arms. On Bucky, a happy and handsome young man, it looks jaunty!
Here it is slowed down a little as he walks up to Steve in that alley. It's more of a saunter here but you can see the shoulder thing.
As he steps out with a foot, the opposite shoulder comes forward and a little up.
Ok. Now here's Bucky after being rescued from Zola. Same walk, but now... A little more exaggerated, a little more fluid. Less jaunty or sauntering.
The next time we see him, he's the Winter Soldier, but... He still moves like Bucky Barnes. Only now, that walk has become an assassin's murder strut.
But you can still watch his shoulders track with the opposite feet, swinging smoothly and fluidly. It's just that now it's not jaunty. Now it's become threatening and predatory.
Last one. He is Bucky Barnes again, but not the handsome young man with the lightness of step whose walk was jaunty. Stan is back to using the movement of post-rescue Bucky.
And that's when my heart got kind of pummeled and I decided I kinda need to fight Sebastian Stan.
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