This is but a minuscule step on the path to justice. Next stops:
* Independent agency to investigate police misuse of force
* Criminalize violence against protesters
* Demilitarize police departments
* Disband and deconstruct failed police departments
* End traffic stops for minor equipment violations
* Federal investigations into departments who utilize practices like arrest quotas
* End the school-to-prison pipeline
* Ban all racial profiling by federal, state, and local agencies
* Legalize recreational cannabis nationwide, expunge the records and seek amnesty for those incarcerated for cannabis-related offenses
* Restore felon voting rights
* Ensure that formerly incarcerated individuals are fully supported in their transition back to society
* End mandatory minimum sentencing laws for low-level offenses
* Invest in a public-health approach to the addiction crisis
You can follow @IlhanMN.
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