I'm going to be live-tweeting the Mayoral Forum tonight. #bospoli
First q: What is the one thing that makes uniquely qualified for the job?

Barros: executive background
Campbell: lived experience
Essaibi-George: 13 years as a BPS teacher
Janey: (not present)
Santiago: career in public service
Wu: vision for Boston to be bold

Next question is asking candidates for their response to the Chauvin ruling.

Candidates talk about the need for so much more work on addressing policing and systemic racism.

Crossley: What would you do as mayor to address such issues with policing?

Campbell: Talks about the racial inequities in stop-and-frisk; need for greater transparency; highlights her work in creating the Civilian Review Board

Essaibi George: push for implicit bias training

Santiago: talks about systemic racism but also the need for police to protect public safety; touts the Legislature's police bill; community policing

Wu: brought up the Patrick Rose scandal, her own work on facial surveillance & greater transparency; need to reallocate money & move functions away

Barros: (Apologies, I missed this because I was discussing with other planning team members about questions)

Crossley: What would you cut from BPD & where would you redirect money?

Barros: need for professionals trained in de-escalation to respond to mental health issues, need to take police out of schools

Wu: police should not be in our schools. Spoke about her ordinance on alternative crisis response. Noted how police can often increase harm when they are called in for response.

Santiago: talks about diverting calls from 911

Campbell: committed to cutting the police budget by 10%. Highlights role of community-based organizations in reducing violence.

Essaibi George: speaks about needing to invest money in community groups & services, but opposes moving money away from BPD

The idea that we need more officers to decrease overtime spending doesn't get at the root of the overtime spending! #bospoli
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