Ok guys.... This next decode is absolutely insane!!! Important to understand first: Do you all remember how we mirror months on a clock? “Number(s) do not always equate to days. The face of a watch/clock has multiple versions.” Example: 11 (April) Mirrors 5 (May) @kshadyacct4
2/ We’ve been trying to figure out how the very first drops line up with the timeline since the beginning is the end.... We had a Eureka moment. So if May mirrors November . 5/4 = 11/4 . We’ll start here. Look at this 5/4 drop closely and compare it to the 11/4 drops below
3/ Buckle up frenz , we just solved another huge piece of the puzzle: So drop 1317 above we see all these subjects line up perfectly with the 11/4 drops. JK & Iran✅
4/ “Why is Hussein/JK traveling WW and meeting w/ foreign heads of state (some enemies of the U.S.)? “ check this one off as well✅
5/ Before we go any further: we will be referring to these as “Mirror Deltas” to simplify
6/ drop 1317: “ (2)former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS” check that one off ✅.... Here specifically talking about Obama and the clintons. Just go read the 11/4 and early drops around that time. It’s covered exhaustingly
7/ Drop 1317 says “The WORLD is WATCHING.”.... well look at what we have here on our mirror delta 11/4
8/ If we look at those early drops it’s clear we’re being showed howthings will happen. We’ve had our eyes on 5/5 from past decodes. And we saw this it lines up perfectly with our done in 30 timeline that started on 4/4. 30 days +1 = 5/5 .... continued in next thread
9/ look how the boom weeks all line up with the same time frame and with our 30 deltas. Look at these dates and compare to 5/5. More in next post
10/ Boom Week appears to be laid out VERY clearly
11/ However there is one “boom week” drop that doesn’t line up exactly. Any ideas on this would be much appreciated.... Ive been thinking , it could be that our timeline doesn’t actually start until 30 days after 4/4.... That would mean we’d see a completion in....
12/ .... in June. June would be 6 o’clock. And hence could be the reason why “6 o’clock can be dangerous”.... Anyway I don’t claim to have the answers , I’m just saying hey, the drops logically point to these dates. But I could be missing something. Again, ideas are appreciated!
13/ here is the boom week drop that doesn’t line up as mentioned previously
14/ We have demonstrated many times in past threads that mirror deltas are a thing. Next chance I get , I will post some here for the record 🤙🏽
15/ mirror deltas https://twitter.com/theshufflecast/status/1383961278876557313
16/ mirror deltas https://twitter.com/theshufflecast/status/1383962236503289860
17/ mirror deltas https://twitter.com/theshufflecast/status/1383962471237443585
18/ mirror deltas https://twitter.com/theshufflecast/status/1383965249330548739
19/ mirror deltas .... FYI there are way way more mirror deltas that I am Not posting here. I just want to demonstrate that this works and is a thing 💯 https://twitter.com/theshufflecast/status/1383967589638934535
20/ Ok guys this is MASSIVE! HUGE!!! Shout out to my friend Kevin on telegram for finding this. On 11/4/18 we have 5 drops where 17 says 5:5!! Remember in 2021 for our deltas we add +1!!! So 11/4 mirror is 5/4 +1= 5/5!!!! So we are getting confirmation of our mirror delta!!!!!!!!
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