MUST-WATCH/MUST-SHARE masterclass by a Professor Emeritus in Microbiology, the eminent DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI, who gives a dire warning. To start: a brilliant exposition of the flaw of the PCR tests. 1/8
Next, Dr. Bhakdi addresses the shocking silence in the scientific community about some of the things going on, and the theoretical flaws behind the design of the new mRNA jabs. 2/8
The jabs where tested in healthy people under 70. But the efficacy is needed in the vulnerable, which are mostly those above 70. So why would you take the results of flawed clinical trials as proof of anything? 3/8
The kernel of the masterclass starts here: why you need to inform yourself about this new technology in jab form. What you are putting in your organism is mostly getting into your blood. The next video goes further into what this implies. 4/8
And what happens when the content of the jab reaches your blood stream? Realize that you are being "invited" to take part in a large scale experiment. Inform yourself what is your risk of the disease itself and take a conscious decision for you and your loved ones. 5/8
"We are completely neutral, we are scientists. Not left, not right, not up, not down. We just are trying to serve you." Can anybody doubt the honesty of this man? 6/8
Inform yourself! At least be warned in advance of the absolute craziness that it means to get a 3rd, 4th and 5th shot, so that when the time comes, you realize this warning made more sense than what it seemed the first time you heard it. 7/8
When you do your duly research, like Dr. Bhakdi commends us to do, inevitably you’ll end up having to understand that this is much more than just about containing a virus. Please, don’t believe necessarily anything that is said here. JUST DO YOUR RESEARCH. 8/8
Say Sawatdee Khap to PROFESSOR EMERITUS SUCHARIT BHAKDI in the full interview below with The New American. Consider joining Odysee, guaranteeing free speech when we most need it:$/invite/@TruthPills:5
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