[Thread: 5 Traits of PTI supporters on Twitter in difficult times]

I was part of the PTI Twitter team handling the official account frm 2014-16 & then made a move in 2016 to lead the FB team till the 2018 elections. As the campaign head for two different types of audiences,(1/n)
here's what I learnt about PTI fan base on twitter:

1. While most of them come from educated backgrounds & good colleges/universities, they have always underrated the potential and popularity of the party. They get under the influence of rival political parties very soon (2/n)
2. Unfortunately, there’s a herd mentality, particularly on twitter. Some rumor erupts and most of them would tweet and rant on it without checking the veracity of the claim. Some don't even know basic photoshop and cry on fake screengrabs. (2/n)
3. There’s a serious lack of patience and inability to look at the details. Case in point the recent TLP fiasco: Has Saad Rizvi been released? Has TLP been unbanned? Have the cases against miscreants shelved? The actual politics lies in the details [and lacunaes thereof] (3/n)
4. Public on Twitter is often the most privileged class in Pakistan and devoid of ground politics. I work with blue-collar cadre and I can tell you the situation had escalated heavily. IK’s and Sheikh Rasheed’s life was in serious danger. (4/n)
5. When unable to stand against the floodgate of criticism and point-scoring by opponents, the official team will be made the focus of criticism. The official team will respond only after something is given or issued (5/n)
by the leadership. Until then, they are bound to stay quiet. The official team cannot do somersaults. Also, the are the best ones to pick-up infighting and criticize internal members without any deep thinking. (6/n)
They're a perfect example of "success has many parents, failure is an orphan. (n/n)
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