It is well past time to accept that a reset cannot happen with Putin & his devotees at the helm of Russia. Leaders should limit official engagement... Simultaneously, the U.S. & EU must restore contact with Russian civil society to preserve links for post-Putin Russia.
The Euro-Atlantic alliance must rely on continued pressure to deter Russian malign influence & military aggression. Operating from an uncompromising position of strength signals to Russian domestic audiences that Russia must seek alternatives to its current adversarial paradigm.
Biden’s desire for de-escalation that threatens a bilateral conflict is warranted, but the sense of risk is misplaced. Russia sees as much, if not more, risk in bilateralizing the conflict, but leverages saber-rattling to get the U.S. and European countries to self-deter.
It would be a mistake to let the Kremlin perceive Western actions as a lack of resolve to defend interests. If deterrence continues to fail, long-term risks of a more serious confrontation compound... eventually, Russia will cross a threshold & meet a resolute response.
[A] combination of pressure and engagement [is need] to achieve deterrence and mitigate the risks of confrontation. Reset is not an option. U.S. and EU relations with Russia may someday change for the better. Unfortunately, that day is not today.
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