A lot of students ask me about the resources @UCBerkeley for those who want to study & research at the intersection of tech, communication, society, arts, and design?✨

In this thread, I'll share departments and centers, research groups, clubs, and classes that helped me!🧵

The Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department, @Cal_Engineer, is home to some of the HCI faculty at UC Berkeley as well as various research centers that engage in HCI research. Check out the department’s page about HCI for more: https://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Research/Areas/HCI/

The School of Information, @BerkeleyISchool, is a professional and research community focused on topics including computer science, design, social sciences, management, law, and policy. Check out the I School page about HCI: https://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/research/hci 

The Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation, @JacobsDesignCal, is an interdisciplinary hub with an all-purpose makerspace and labs staffed by design experts, a certificate program @BerkCert_DesInv, and grants for innovative projects! For more, see: https://jacobsinstitute.berkeley.edu 

The Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM), @calnewmedia, is an interdisciplinary research center that studies and shapes media transition and emergence from diverse perspectives, with certificate programs for undergraduate and graduate students. See: http://bcnm.berkeley.edu/ 

CITRIS, @citrisnews, sponsors access to a variety of labs, facilities, programs, and events. In particular, the Invention Lab, @InventCITRIS, is a makerspace facility with resources for prototyping and fabricating novel interactive products: https://invent.citris-uc.org/ 

Berkeley Arts + Design, @brklyartsdesign, is a central node in the arts and design landscape at Berkeley, with a helpful compilation of art- and design-related programs, centers, venues, news, and groups: https://artsdesign.berkeley.edu/design/programs 

The UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, @BAMPFA, is a visual arts center that presents gallery exhibitions and film programs, with an expansive repository of art objects representing various global cultures and historical periods: https://bampfa.org/ 

The Center for New Music and Audio Technologies, @CNMAT, is connected with over a dozen affiliate departments and centers on campus producing creative work using sound, from the concert hall to the laboratory: https://cnmat.berkeley.edu/ 

The Townsend Center for Humanities, @townsend_center, funds more than 80 interdisciplinary working groups and supports several course threads for undergraduate students. Check out the course threads here: https://coursethreads.berkeley.edu/ 

The Arts Research Center, @ArtsResearchCtr, is a "think tank for the arts," where artists, scholars, curators, and civic arts leaders gather and learn from each other. With @calnewmedia , the ARC co-sponsors the Art, Technology, and Culture (ATC) Colloquium, @cal_atc.

The Center for Technology, Society, and Policy (CTSP), @CTSPBerkeley, is a multidisciplinary research and design/build center focusing on the emergent social and policy issues arising from the development and adoption of technology. See: https://ctsp.berkeley.edu/ 

The Berkeley Institute of Design (BiD), @BiDLab, is an interdisciplinary research group spanning HCI, mechanical design, education, architecture and art practice. Check out its compilation of >100 locations for prototyping resources around Berkeley: https://bid.berkeley.edu/resources.html 

The Hybrid Ecologies Lab is Professor Eric Paulos ( @epaulos)'s research group focusing on novel physical devices and interactive systems, computing culture, and critical inquiry concerning our existing and emerging technological society. See: http://www.hybrid-ecologies.org/ 

The Algorithmic Fairness and Opacity Group (AFOG), @AfogBerkeley, supports research projects and discussions centering human values in the design and use of technical systems to support more equitable and just societies. See: https://afog.berkeley.edu/ 

The Berkeley AI Research Lab (BAIR), @berkeley_ai, is a large network of professors, postdocs, grad students, and undergrads researching computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, planning, control, and robotics.

Cal has several design & engineering student groups, including Design at Berkeley ( @designatberk), Innovative Design ( @InnoDatCAL), Cal Blueprint ( @calblueprint), Extended Reality @ Berkeley, Pioneers in Engineering ( @PieRobotics), and the Platform Art Space ( @ucbplatform).

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