If there's one thing that can be learned from this whole European Super League debacle is the power of a great PR and Comms strategy.
With planning, the clubs could have worked up UEFA as the villains in all this, and painted a picture of how the establishment is pocketing all this money they're driving in to the sport and federation.
Instead they played the 'we want more money and power' angle as they've 'had it tough through covid'. Yes so has everyone else, and your management of finances is well documented!
The lack of Comms in the format and the initial comments from the chairman were where things went too far, reinforcing that the initiative didn't have any good intentions, and hurt didn't sound thought through at all
The last we knew of the format was they wanted to start in 4 months, but don't have all the teams, don't have any broadcasters, or sponsors, don't have fans, and don't have a format. Oh and they're expecting $4bn per annum
I genuinely believe with the right communication strategy this could have made it through. Instead we're here today where fans are protesting and teams are dropping out. Just days after launching
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