There aren't many things I enjoy doing online more than attacking BS with data. Finding out the truth and sharing it. And now I get to attack two myths at once - the myth that Trump won the election and the myth that the Democrats won because white voters are being "replaced."
Four of the six states that the Trump Campaign claimed were "stolen" happen to have exit polling information publicly available for the last three elections. And so I made a little graph that shows what happened in these states with white voters alone.
So, let's start with Arizona. The first thing you'll see here is that the estimated percentage of white voters that are part of Arizona's electorate hasn't changed much at all in the last eight years. But the outcome has.

Why? Because white voters started voting more for Dems.
Likewise, in Nevada, where Trump also claimed that the election was "stolen," the white percentage of the electorate as estimated in exit polls didn't change much. Comparing 2020 with 2012, it went UP. But white voters, after giving Trump a chance in 2016, voted Dem more in 2020.
In Pennsylvania, the percentage of the people who voted that was estimated to represent white voters went UP again when you compare 2020 and 2016 against 2012. But they notched back just an edge toward the Dems after Trump barely won the state in 2016. And Biden won.
In Wisconsin, the percentage of the electorate that is made up of white voters hasn't changed at all. But in 2012, Romney won them by 3 points, which, because the GOP does so badly with non-white voters, wasn't good enough. Trump got +11 in 2016 and barely won. Back down in '20.
In Georgia, although I don't have 2012 data, the percentage of white voters in the electorate also went UP comparing 2020 and 2016. In 2016, Trump was more popular with white voters in Georgia than bacon. But in 2020, he lost 15 points with this group. And lost the state.
When you look at this data - and I'll post the links shortly - you can see a couple of things:

1) Trump did not lose because white voters were, I don't know how you say it in the Tucker Carlson universe, "replaced."

2) White voters have become a little less into the Trump GOP.
3) The GOP has painted itself into this incredible demographic corner in which it can't just simply win with white voters. Because they've done so badly with every other demographic group, they have to win by double digits. Winning by 6 points in very white Wisconsin won't cut it
What I suspect the reason is that, to the complete befuddlement of Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Marjorie Taylor-Green and the other hacks in the GOP and on Fox, is that there are a lot of white voters who absolutely hate racism and the idea that any group is better than another.
And so the extra shot of explicit racism and nativism, pressed down, shaken together and running over that we see from today’s GOP are alienating some of the same people those racist idiots are trying to attract: white people who want nothing to do with that nonsense.
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