1) I just want to give everyone an idea of the ridiculous potential of $COTI

So, one of Charles Hoskinson's main goals is to "bank the unbanked". AdaPay will allow all these people (mainly in 3rd world countries ..
2) where most of the population is and will continue to be as Africa will boom in the coming 30 years) to be their own bank.. #Cardano will provide the technology which will allow this and will provide a payment platform to process this. The platform, #AdaPay, is created by $COTI
3) Now imagine the scenario where this is reality and #AdaPay is being mass adopted in Africa and other countries as well.. This will bring a ridiculous revenue to $COTI and will make the company grow even more..
4) Besides this all these people will start learning about the blockhain world, crypto world and what it has to offer. As they will be using #AdaPay they will know $COTI... if they know $COTI they will know they will be able to also have access to...
5) a FREAKING INTERNATIONAL BANK WHERE YOU CAN STORE YOUR FIAT, YOUR #ADAcardano AND ANY OTHER FREAKING COIN! #Cardano will bank the unbanked but $COTI will offer many more possibilities!! Not only will all these people be able to use $COTI to store their $Ada for example
6) but they will also be able to have a bank account where they can store and send their FIAT without the need of a local freaking bank and all its unneeded bureaucracy..
7) As @shahafbg said people have no idea how HUGE the partnership between @CardanoStiftung and @COTInetwork actually is!!! $COTI HAS AN INSANE POTENTIAL and a very low MC! Be patient and see the long term value.. This will be life changing for many!!
8) Help spread the word about the huge potential of COTI! It must get noticed and it will sure will with the time.. With sharing you're not only helping ourselves but also the project and people who will join !!

#StayCOTI #coti2tendollars
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