5 things you need to know about BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster, 11 years later #ProtectOurCoast THREAD /1
#1 - 11 people were killed when BP’s rig exploded & oil removal workers were exposed to toxic crude oil & dispersants. These workers reported a range of health problems, including blood disorders & heart problems #DeepwaterHorizon #ProtectOurCoast /2
#2- As drilling moves further offshore, the risk increases. in 2010, Deepwater Horizon the deepest oil well of all time. Since then, rigs have continued to creep further out into ultra-deep waters where the risk is much higher #DeepwaterHorizon #ProtectOurCoast/3
#3- As of 2016 there were 2,165 platforms & 26,000 miles of pipeline in the Gulf—enough to circle the Earth. Each is a potential spill waiting to happen & from 07-18, more than 7,000 oil spills occurred in US waters... ~ 2/day. #ProtectOurCoast /4
#4- The oil spill caused unbelievable devastation to Gulf wildlife. 800,000 birds and 170,000 sea turtles were killed, 75% of dolphin pregnancies failed in the subsequent 5 years, and the endangered Bryde’s whale population fell by 22%. #ProtectOurCoast /5
#5 - #DeepwaterHorizon caused economic disaster for the Gulf. Housing markets declined, the loss of tourism & recreation led to a loss of over $500mil. Fisheries closed & demand for Gulf seafood plummeted. #ProtectOurCoast /6
It is time for @POTUS to end offshore drilling once and for all. We can't wait for another #DeepwaterHorizon. ADD YOUR NAME & tell President Biden to permanently #ProtectOurCoast from dirty and dangerous offshore oil drilling. http://www.oceana.org/actnow  /7
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