Just over a year ago I was a mess.

-eating like crap
-tv on all the time
-reading was almost nonexistent
-negative mindset running rampant

Then something flipped a switch. I saw people working to be better.

I decided to make a change.

I made physical strength a priority.

-body weight workout
-eating better
-more time outdoors
-started lifting program in January
I made mental strength a priority.

-read more
-journaling more
-challenging myself
-kicking victim mentally
I made spiritual strength a priority.

-talking and listening to God
-using my gifts and talents
Focusing on theses three areas helped me go from the guy in the first picture to this guy.

-stronger physically
-stronger mentally
-stronger spiritually

Why share all this?

Others sharing their journey inspired me.

Praying mine will inspire you. ❤️🙏🏻🔨
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