1/9 Thread: i hate hecarim now, but i dont want to.
Serious, @MarkYetter what are the goals for hecarim, what do you want him to be? Because I don't think tank hecarim should exist it's unhealthy. Hecarim wasn't a problem in S10 till Omni-vamp.
2/9 He stays on the map too much from healing now. He shouldn't be this way. I think from my experience with him, which is more than I care to admit, that's the underline issue. Nerfing him directly and nerfing the items that "broke" him is gonna hurt him a lot.
3/9 I don't like him in season 11. This hecarim isn't hecarim that I loved and played since season 2. I care about like two champions in this game. That's the champions I enjoy playing. Hecarim and Skarner.
4/9 I always liked them weak/strong/rework but this hecarim that appeared in season 11? I don't like. He is not fun to play or play against, for me personally. I really think the issue is the healing. Remove that and make hecarim risk and reward.
5/9 You shouldn't be able to both farm and gank you gotta do one or the other not both. Now you clear full hp then gank then go back to the jungle and get full HP again pressing Q with omni-vamp and revenous hunter.
6/9 I haven't seen the nerfs yet to him i don't know the direction he is going and from the last patch i dont like it. I don't want hecarim to be strong, he deserves a nerf 100% my suggestion is either cap the healing on camps from Q using omni vamp.
7/9 Or lower the damage his Q does to jungle monsters again by a little bit.
8/9 His Q used to do reduced damage to jungle camps i don't think brining that back or testing that nerf is a bad thing for him, he keeps his identity + chemtank and Deadmans nerf i think could put him in a better spot. Messing with his speed stats and damage.
9/9 Just doesn't make him feel like him anymore. I think we both want the same thing here for hecarim to be "balanced" fun and fair. You guys probably gave it some thought. I just wanna know the direction he is going in. I just want to see my horse back on the track(pun intended)
I would really appreciate your thoughts @MarkYetter. I don't mean for this thread to come off as rude or saying you doing the wrong job. i could be wrong and new hecarim is better than old heacrim and more fun. Almost didnt post this but thought i share my thoughts.
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