I call bullshit.

In #DnD, a bad roll means nothing happens. Your attack misses. You don't find the secret door. You don't jump the ledge.

There are so many other #TTRPG games were bad rolls equal great story, but D&D ain't fucking one of them. https://twitter.com/ToddStashwick/status/1383883762996432903
Here's where I plug my rules light, high fantasy, #DnD inspired #TTRPG, right?

It uses a binary pass/fail D100 mechanic (and relies on the GM/group) to make missed rolls interesting), but you don't see me making claims about failure = good story. https://hyvemynd.itch.io/brighthammer 
Reading comprehension, people.

I didn't say GMs and groups couldn't make a missed roll interesting, or that good stories don't include failure.

What I said was, in #DnD a failed roll means nothing happens. Whatever the PC was attempting does not happen.

That's it.
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