Today marks 1 month of my marriage. I wanted to post a thread on how simple & self arranged wedding ceremony we had. So today is the day!
I bear the financial responsibilities of my family after papa, so I know worth of money we earn. I dont waste it on things that dont matter
Nikkah ceremony was arranged outside my home and only close family members were invited. Groom brought his parents & siblings only. Total gathering was less than 50. Arrangement looks lavish in pictures but it not costed much. Had a fine catering. Did no rasmen (dhudh pilayi etc)
I wore ami ki shadi ka dupata which gave bridal look in zero cost. Made contrast plain dress so I can wear it casually afterwards. Costed 10k. Bought jewellary from roadside hawker at liberty for 1200 PKR. Make up was done by my younger sister's friend at her home for only 3500/-
My husband belongs to a caste/family who takes dowry as a must. Breaking that stereotype in a conservative family was his milestone to achieve. He set our home with every single thing himself; From furniture to electronics. I brought minsa and my dearest car in dowry :)
For walima, I bought ready made maxi & dupatta for 18k. Cant recall the shop name but its around food point of liberty. Wore same sandles on both days(Nazar to aty nai). Got jewellary a bit costly than nikkah. 6k. Make up by my colleague's Mrs. Salon for 10k. (He paid for all)
He booked a hall without DJ and extra floral decor. His focus was on cleanliness and food quality. (Hall owner preserved the day event floral decor). We hired a photographer from close reference who charged 6k only for both days event. Allhamdulilah we both did it on our own.
I made very simple and casual dresses.( He gave me money to make from his side too). Not a single heavy kam wala suit. Bought 4 formal & casual shoes in total. Brought my joggers from ami's home. Did minsa's essential shopping too.
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