//PRINCIPLE 39. //


To bring value to others, where do we begin?

We must begin with ourselves



Many of us are stuck in the past

Holding onto real or perceived transgressions that keep our minds ensnared

Transgressions not only committed by others

But transgressions committed by ourselves, against ourselves
Things we have done that violate our vision of self

That violate our best interests

That violate our aligned values

To BENEFIT OTHERS and bring value in this life, we must learn to FORGIVE OURSELVES for our shortcomings
I am not suggesting that you simply conduct yourself in a manner of degeneracy, superficiality, and malevolence, then continuously forgive yourself

I am suggesting that you make peace with the things weighing heavily upon your mind which need forgiving
The deeds, actions, or thoughts that have accumulated within your mind, creating duress

Failures and regrets intertwined within your identity

Lies you have told yourself, based upon false perceptions
Unresolved infringements you have committed against yourself need to be confronted, or you risk developing self-defeating behaviour

Assuming yourself unworthy of success, happiness, and peace
You must learn to FORGIVE YOURSELF to cultivate an inner individual you wish to bring forth into the world

Not a light dimmed by a troubled mind, but a light fueled by alignment

Shining bright for the benefit of all
Therefore, it is paramount to FORGIVE YOURSELF TO BENEFIT OTHERS

To lay to rest the turmoil within, seeing your true value realized

Learn to FORGIVE YOURSELF for the missteps you take
This will create a more aligned version of yourself

A better trajectory in life

and of course, benefit those around you
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I will see you at the next PRINCIPLE mental warriors
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