Though exams are left... I tip my hat to my law students - and law students everywhere for doing their best in 2020-21. My students endured: 1/
1. The March 2020 Covid panic
2. A summer of remote work
3. An August pandemic start
4. Wildfires that drove people from homes, power outages, dusk at noon, no place to escape smoke 2/
6. An damaging historic ice storm that cut power, heat... and WiFi for a week
7. For some, a bar exam
8. Everything else we all have endured but harder (child care - no schools), social isolation, you name it 2/
9. Profs misnumbering tweet threads. 4/
I am really damn proud of my students and I hope it’s clear how much affection I have for them. They showed special grace this year.

No practicing lawyer can say that they had it harder in law school /5
On a gravely serious note, we are also obviously confronting enormous racial justice issues right now- and I can’t overstate how much harder that falls on many students. *On top of all of this.* More to say on that later. /X
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