Trying to explain to a formerly middle class parno romanyraht man how hot rod flames designs are a very advanced form of pinstriping which evolved DIRECTLY out of traditional mehndi designs..... he has no idea what im talkin abt
The original.....
the inspired.....
the romerican interpretation....
its literally impossible to erase culture and tradition.
here are some pics ive taken myself last time we went to the hot rod/classic cars/dragster meetup
heres some actual flame designs which is the thing i was originally talking about, too bad theres some clowns blocking the car in these photos (featuring my sister, and that dumb bitch i narrowly avoided marrying)
the thing that’s essential to all these permutations of the same ancient artform is that its impossible to explain how to do it or teach it to anyone who hasnt spent hours watching it done... the process is just intrinsic, you go into meditation while creating it, just pure vibes
hours can go by and you don’t even notice and suddenly theres an amazing piece of art at ur hands (or on them, in the case of the mehndi lol)... that’s why its so painfully obvious when you see examples that arent authentic :/
i sincerely doubt any of these examples were actually made by gypsies; but if they were, it looks like pure shit cuz, start over and try again, youll get the hang of it eventually:)
but seriously like. With those four obvious fakes. I dont get how you can simultaneously have created smth that looks like you didnt take enough time and effort on it, while also looking like you are trying too hard.
The design creates itself. the painter is merely a conduit
The reason they fail so spectacularly even tho they use all the right motifs is just bc youre TRYING to make a gypsy design... if you have a finished image in mind, you already fucked it up. The more you try to aim for that idea, the further it slips away from ur brush
Anyway, theres only one type of fowks whose neurotic enough to do this type of artwork, and it shows up in lacework, beading, rug weaving, etc as well. Heres some honorable mentions that may or may not be legit but still fuck (tho i am loathe to admit it)
OH MY GOSH i almost forgot, those pieces that my great granma made are a PERFECT example of an intermediate form between mehndi n pinstriping yooooooooo!!!
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