I know this is an intense tweet for a Monday night/Tuesday morning, but Native girls: do you ever feel like most men genuinely will never be able to love us the way we deserve and need to be loved?
It’s like they love the idea of us, what we bring, our fearlessness and our brilliance, but they can never let themselves get too invested. I know so many Native femmes who struggle with finding someone to love us entirely for who we are.
The men I let into my life, so carefully now, always end up doing the same thing to me and breaking my heart every time.

It’s very difficult not to believe it is tied to the fact that Native femmes are so deeply devalued in this world.
I know that I’m a fucking catch. I am beautiful and smart and wise and kind. Let’s make it clear that this isn’t about low self-esteem. It’s about white supremacy and patriarchy ensuring Native femmes are deemed unworthy of full-up love that empowers us to our deepest potential.
You can follow @ericavioletlee.
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