Let me show you how many types of consent ABA therapists break.


"Consent: Both people want to share touch."

Nope. ABA therapists do "hand-over-hand" to make autistic kids complete tasks that they either can't physically do or won't do. 1/8 https://twitter.com/DeanneCarson/status/1384113049401925645
"Compliance: Doing something because you feel you should or to have someone else like you."

ABA therapists tell both parents & autistic children that the autistic kid "should" be doing X/Y/Z to be more independent & won't allow "no."
ABA is rooted in compliance. 2/8
"Pressure: Doing something because someone keeps asking you until you say yes, or tries to make you feel bad if you don't."

In ABA therapy if kids don't do the task, the therapist will keep asking them to do it or make the task longer because they don't want to do it. 3/8
"Coercion: Doing something because someone is threatening, blackmailing, or bribing you."

THIS is what Applied Behavior Analysis is. ABA is constantly bribing a child with their favorite activities/toys/food to do even if it might hurt them, like hiding sensory pain. 4/8
"Force: Someone uses violence or physically overpowers you to do something to you."

Yes, this does happen in ABA therapy. Most commonly "quiet hands." ABA therapists grab autistic kids hands and "put them in their lap." That's still not consent. That's still violent. 5/8
ABA therapists have done all of these things to autistic children before. All of them.

On a small scale, the ones saying they do "good ABA" mean they only do #4 - bribery. And they think that's okay. But it's still not.

Because their goal is to make autistics act like NTs. 6/8
Autistic people will never be neurotypical. Autistic people will never have natural body language that is neurotypical. They will never be just like neurotypical people in their thoughts, opinions, mannerisms, interests. 7/8
Trying to make autistics act like NTs is violent in itself. That is a form of violence. That is an attack on autistic identity.
Autistic children did not consent to be bribed into acting in a completely unnatural way to their autistic nervous system.
Don't #ColorTheSpectrum 8/8
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