reminder that dick falling out of love with kory is way out of his character. dc will keep doing anything to erase kory from his life, even though she had a huge impact and was the reason he turned into nightwing
i honestly don’t care who dick dates, i just wish the writers would stop minimizing her importance in his life, and to stop using kory to boost dickbabs up. They really tried damaging her character trying to make her the villain in the dickbabs story.
and i hope that some of you don’t canon that one panel of dick cheating on kory with babs. Dick isn’t a cheater, the fact that writers had to do that JUST to prove that dick loved babs gets on my nerves. they didn’t have to put so much damage on kory, or dick.
also, reminder that dick and kory were literally suppose to get married. Marv wolfman had already planned a mini series that would’ve lead to dick proposing to kory. The only reason it didn’t happen was because bat editorials wanted dick back with batman.
Which destroyed everything marv wolfman had built up for dick. Before the titans were even a thing, bat editorials didn’t even want dick anymore. That’s why marv wolfman took him and built him up from the NTT comics.
also that whole mirage arc wasn’t even suppose to happen 🙄 it was wayyy out of character for kory to be jealous and mad at dick for sleeping with mirage. and AGAIN The only reason that happened was because bat editorials wanted dick back with batman.
i would’ve loved to see that mini series of dick saving kory from those aliens. dickkory has so much potential in the DC universe. Starfire alone does too! there is so much to unravel in their relationship. So much bond and love. So much character development!!
both dick and kory overcame so many obstacles in their relationship. I don’t understand when people say dickkory is “toxic.” DC writers don’t like kory so they’ll do anything to make her look bad with dick. TNTT proves otherwise.
also that one panel of dick and kory in the pool...yk which one i’m talking about 🙄 where he say he doesn’t like kory. IS ALSO way out of character for both dick and kory. Again dick falling out of love with kory doesn’t make sense, specially after so much she meant to him.
Kory knows dick too well, she would’ve known that he was lying or confront him about it 🙄 but again dc will do anything to prove that they were just a fling. but thankfully marv wolfman left receipts on tntt😏
marv wolfman proved that dick and kory are a compatible couple so many times! dickkory isn’t toxic, or a relationship full of lust. Their relationship kept flourishing throughout the 80s! and 90s!
anyways just needed to rant on here đŸ™„đŸ€šđŸœ
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