I started my entrepreneurial journey 9 months ago after 15 years in corporate.

Many thought that was silly:
"You've garnered so much experience, why step off the ladder now."
"You're leaving a high-paying job for 0 income?"
"Why did you go to business school?"

👇 on why
1/ Curiosity: Having spent 10 years diving deep into B2B Sales and general management, I wanted to build a new toolkit.

I wanted to be a generalist again and find the next skill that I can dive deep into.
2/ Fulfillment: Having worked in finance, I knew I needed to do something that wasn't just another stepping stone to the next thing.

I joined WeWork in 2016 because I believed in the mission of community and making a life, not just a living.

I needed to care.
3/ Timing: This is counterintuitive but because it felt like the world was on fire, why not take a risk? There was so little to lose.

My resume is as linear as it can get. This was my chance to take a sharp turn and do what I wanted.
4/ Control: Growing up in an immigrant family, I was expected to pay my dues first and play someone else's game.

Having built enough personal brand equity, I wanted to set my own rules. I wanted control over my destiny.
5/ A-team: My support system: I knew I could be and do more. And I instinctually felt the same from those who knew me best - my partner, parents, mentors, friends.
Lastly, some things just can't be explained. It just felt right and I knew it had to be done. I couldn't talk myself out of this one.

Have you felt that before? How did your journey start?
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