Dear @TwitterSupport and @TwitterSafety and @jack etc.

Some beloved friends of mine and I (as well some complete strangers apparently) have experienced death threats and harassment from an organized crime group on this platform and other social media platforms.

The threats & the group activity are offline as well as online, on @Twitter, @Instagram, @Facebook, @Tumblr and well...just about every messaging & social media platform there is, as far as I can tell.
I am grateful to @TwitterSupport which has so far been responsive.
I do not blame @Twitter or any of the other companies, websites etc but am addressing you right now in the spirit of direct appreciation & communication. My life has been threatened a lot - and quite recently there appears to be an escalation of threats being made to my friends
It is an extremely skilled organized crime group that specializes in using deep fakes, social media & psychological manipulation as a tool for preying on & intimidating people. I don't think they're nearly as big as Weinstein & Epstein et. al. but they have people in Hollywood
They also have people in other industries like publishing, academia, public media, & just like when dealing with any organized crime situation, their collaboration & deception allows them to pool resources, give each other alibis, etc. & these folks have tech & cinema skills too.
Other than actual violence, which they have threatened often enough to be convincing, I have personally witnessed many threats made to my former college professor and other beloved friends online who are being stalked, harassed, & often manipulated.
At least one member of the crime ring, a former abusive partner of my former college professor has claimed to have personal control/influence with members of the @USMarshalsHQ, the @FBI or members of the #JupiterFlorida police department or the @LAPD, @NYPD.
I don't know if that is true or not or if this person was saying these things as another means to terrorize and bully me and my former professor and other beloved friends. I do not want to accuse honorable women & men of integrity that serve in law enforcement of wrongdoing.
I take it seriously, however, because I have been tipped off that this group has exploited a connection to Proud Boys & their partners that the Trump/Putin machine used to instill corruption like we saw with the Capitol insurrection.
I would not necessarily see a strong connection if it were not for the fact the Trump/Putin machine has also used propaganda tools and psychological manipulation on social media. Members of the group have also claimed to have people "inside" social media.
Bullies and predators who specialize in fear may make many false claims so I do not necessarily want to give fuel to their fire or promote fear but there are reasons for my concern and credence on this matters, which I will elaborate on here.
I am SO DAMNED GRATEFUL to those parties at @TwitterSupport and @TwitterSafety who have listened and for this platform, in general.

I am a whistleblower and some of my beloved friends and I are facing dangerous people who threaten retaliation.
Even if not all the claims are true about them having actual corrupted members or "police in our pocket" (sic), I believe that just the fact that criminals are CLAIMING that you (social media) & law enforcement are complicit with predatory crime is reason enough to take seriously
Again, they could be at least partly full of shit, prone to exaggerate or lie about their extensive power as a means of intimidation, self-aggrandizement of as a sign of narcissistic delusions of grandiosity. So I get that.
There is always the possibility that people are partly just full of it. A few of them also talk a lot about conspiracy theories and misc bizarre shit, you wouldn't believe. SO yes, obviously they may have some mental illness or may just be using it all as smoke/mirrors
Many classic and traditional techniques for con artists are being used by them, including distraction, confusing the target, bait and switch, and they use other tactics of psychological manipulation as well, incl PUA negging, seduction, tricks with visuals and language, etc.
So I understand all the reasons to be conservative e and circumspect about what they claim. But what I do know is some of their real-life names, jobs, and titles and some of them are people with influence/power in the industries I have mentioned here. So it may not be all BS.
I am a witness to threats made to my former professor by members of his former social circle incl a few who were supposedly his "friends", colleagues, a student or two, & a former romantic partner who is now apparently a crime boss.
I have not posted specific names out of respect for TOS and a desire to preserve the integrity of my account. But some of those threats have been made on social media, even right here on Twitter. And I have received them here too.
It took me a long time to come to understand what was going on because of the skillful layers of deception, deep fake fraud and con artistry and layers upon layers of psychological manipulation and abuse happening here. At the start, I was initially confused. I'm not now.
There is a lot more to say on this subject but I need to attend to an important personal matter pertinent to my cooperation with an investigation into this matter, but I do feel concerned that my former professor (or I) may be in some danger of retaliation.
As I said, I don't know if the claims about law enforcement and social media and political corruption claims are true or not, but I have some concerns based on my own experience!
The first law enforcement officer who really listened, believed me and took me seriously was an officer of the @LAPD I spoke to, who took extensive notes for over an hour. He was positive, supportive, smart and truly absorbed and understood everything I reported.
He and I agreed to follow up but when I called back to speak to him a couple of days later, I was told he was off duty, and I was told that again every day for a week until I asked if he was sick or okay or what was happening as I needed to follow up with him on a criminal report
I was flatly told that officer would not longer ever be available to speak to me, and that he was reassigned to another location but that they were sure he ("or someone") would be looking into the case.
That was just the first of several incidents that I have had involving law enforcement regarding my efforts to speak out about this case. I am going to talk about a few more of those here and now but it's obviously pretty scary to have to talk about them at all.
I want and DESERVE protection under the law like any other citizen; so do my former professor & all my other friends on here who have received death threats. And if I may be so bold, citizens who attempt to fight injustice or report crimes deserve respect & protection ESPECIALLY
I am going to write more about this today in regard to the strange experiences I have had with law enforcement. I really do not want to make myself (or anyone I care about) the enemy of those who should be protecting us, but let the disinfecting light of truth happen.
I grew up in a family committed to public service via government and military incl law enforcement, so I do not have a built-in suspicion or mistrust of the police. I have been shocked by some of what has happened.
AND primarily, I am much more concerned about predators, psychopaths and organized crime than I want to focus on a few bad apples that may or may not exist in various agencies, branches and departments unless they are themselves consciously complicit with organized crime.
I think a more likely explanation is that the highly sophisticated & intelligent criminals in this organized crime group, many of whom are attractive, successful, intelligent people w/ reputations, lawyers, financial resources have made it easy for them to intimidate the law.
Since we're talking about sophisticated con artists who incredibly skilled psychological techniques, internet/tech skills & resources (including skilled hackers) & they back each others' fake credentials, fake careers, fake websites, etc, networked....they have conned the cops.
I state this as fact not theory as I am personally aware of at least one security professional who has been successfully deceived by a member of the crime ring who posed (in person) as someone else in order to insert themselves into the investigation and attempt to call it off.
I see that security professional as a man of great sincerity & integrity who was doing his job conscientiously & honorably but who's another victim of this gang of con artists. So even if police/law have been affected, it's evident to me that they could be conned, not corrupt.
More to say on this, stay tuned, intermission for about an hour.
Apologies for the delay over a day in resuming this thread.
I received some communications intended to intimidate me into silence.
I paused to document this harassment and regroup & after I handle some financial responsibilities tonight I will resume #whistleblowerwork.
I'll continue adding more installments on this thread, off and on intermittently.
My former professor has never spoken ill of or made accusations about law enforcement so he should certainly deserve no retaliation. I am making these statements unbidden. My concerns come from the what the criminal group themselves have said! AND on my Own experiences.
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