day 1 - 3368 primos
day 2 - 3665 primos
day 3 - 3859 primos
day 4 - 4099 primogems
update: rough idea of what her stats will be like with the current gear i have for her im hoping to get a crit DMG circlet with crit rate as the sub stat 😭 she will be given the bp weapon and 2pc new set 2pc bloodstained for the 50% phys bonus 🙏
day 5 - 4249 primos
day 6 - 4399 primos
update 2: no new artifacts but i did manage to pull a crit dmg roll so i got 107% crit dmg now ✋ i did weekly bosses thats why and spent the rest on mora leylines tomorrow will be dedicated to artifacts and then the day after will be for mora and exp books
~ wont be going for artifacts after tomorrow because i want 2pc pale flame for the 50% phys dmg bonus 😭 and my bsc flower and feather are good enough for now
day 8 - 5196 ? PRIMOSSSS
day 9 - 6218 primos
day 10 - 6549 primos (40 WISHES WOOO)
update 3 ~ eulas stats will be around 78% crit rate and 161% crit damage since god decided to bless me with good artifacts today
i think ill stop focusing on artifacts and instead focus on talent books to get her auto and ult crowned when i get her once i get enough (cont.)
(cont.) i'll be farming mora and exp books (which im low on rn 💀) i have 2 dragon lord's crowns for her 6+ talents and 7 teachings 27 guides and 11 philosophies i need 6T 42G and 76P for one level 10 im sobbing </3
day 11 - 7119 primos (44 wishes woo woo)
day 12 - 7699 primos (48 wishes ✋)
- which i mean if i start getting everywhere to 100% then 🌝 ill do that today if i have time
day 13 - 8059 primos (50 WISHES 👏👏)
prediction 2 ~ pretty happy with everything i got so far! i’ll start farming for klee once i have her ascension materials and EXP books incase i dont get her which i PROBABLY will ✋
ganyu rerun (?) is 4 months away therefore i have enough time and this thread will be continued!
i managed to get to 9k primos during the 6 day hiatus this thread had heres an update:
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