Marvin’s Room is the funniest song Drake has ever released. The average alcohol content of Rosè is 10.5%. He’s down that bad off pink juice?
Dessert wines are at least 14-20%, hell a 4LOKO averages like 12%, but he bout to risk it all off sub 11%? No wonder half a xan had him out like a light for a 13 hour flight to Japan. Dudes a lightweight.
Then, he called a jumpoff who he knew was in a whole relationship, got rejected, then had the nerve to get mad when she dubbed him.
ON TOP OF THAT, his white friend started throwing slurs around at the end of the song and his only response was he hoped nobody heard that.

There was like no context
for him to share that either, he just kinda threw it in there as an FYI.
This song would have ended a lesser musician’s career.

...ima still listen to it tho.
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