Today i found out that someone I know, a very good friend infact, traveled from Bangalore to Delhi after knowing very well that he in all probability is covid positive.
He got tested 2-3 days post symptoms surfaced and flew to Delhi a day before getting the test report, with strong covid symptoms. As per him he ‘had no option’.
Apparently he knows of some others too who have traveled by air, and risked the life of god only knows how many strangers, to ensure they get the privilege of home care during these tough times.
Honestly, I’ve been quite shocked since I found out that this is so rampant...and its made me question my understanding of human selfishness and indifference - among people that i know well..or thought i knew well.
Now some folks reading this may think it’s ok and perhaps this is what they would have done in the same situation. But to me, I don’t understand in what direction your moral compass points if this is your natural first choice in the given circumstances.
You’ve intentionally put yourself in a position to cross paths with tens of people you know nothing about the social or financial situation of. You may not want to live alone when you’re sick but they may not have the option but to live alone.
You may want your parents’ love and care during this miserable time. They may be the sole earning member of their family or someone without a family. You may have, *unintentionally* of course, spread the disease to someone with preexisting health conditions.
Lets just say this - You may be directly responsible for someone’s death, but guess what - you’ll never find out. Hopefully, and i wish this with all my heart, you’ll be fine and get through this with good health. Age and privilege are both on your side.
To the Delhi airport authorities, and all others too. There are MANY such cases. The ones committing it are taking solace in the fact that there are so many others like them. But @DelhiAirport - whats preventing you from putting in place stricter and better measures?
To my friend, today i felt like i never really knew you. Last yr a girl from Blr supposedly flew with covid to Delhi and then went to Agra. This was all over the news. Everyone mocked and ridiculed her, you included.
In my eyes, all the people traveling via air knowing that they have covid are the same people who are behind the wheel in hit and run cases. You just don’t know that you’re that person yet because you’ve not been in the situation.
Evidently I’m enraged and upset. Honestly I don’t care if anyones views on this are vastly different than mine but this is what i strongly stand by.
To all the people doing this and thinking that you don’t have an option, for starters a family member could have traveled to you instead. There are so many more options, one could get tired of listing them.
To the 100s of people flying with covid, you’re going to get by feeling like you’re a good person because you feel bad about having done this. You’ll disgust me. Oh & before you bring it up, no this is not the same as an asymptomatic person flying without knowing that theyre +ve.
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