I have been traveling a bit recently, and now my mind races. Here is something I am finding almost palpably ~ when we travel outside of our normal zone, doesn’t it feel a bit like literally traveling into another world? It’s not just that the countrysides, towns and
people all seem so different, the very atmosphere feels slightly akin to piercing the veil of a parallel world. It’s so new and mysterious.
I especially noticed this when traveling to other countries, but it is also noticeable closer to home, as well,
We live in worlds within worlds, in a stunning array and number. Traveling to other realities and parallel existences does not require time or space travel,
we just have to step outside of our normal realm. Even going into a house I have never been in before, feels exciting and alien. Or being around people I have never talked to before. Or even spending a moment looking at the world through
a child’s eyes, or an animal’s, that creates a whole new world all around. Or observing a small patch of nature you didn’t pay attention to before.
The worlds we actually straddle already, appear to be infinite....
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