I particularly dislike Marlow/Hitch as a het romantic rship in aot because it's not only badly written/undemonstrated on Marlow's behalf, it's the same way on Hitch's side of things? It's like "Yes they have feelings for each other; I said so, believe me!" like ..............no
Hitch has WAY more demonstrated chemistry with Annie naturally but 🥴 obligatory heterosexuality
also compare: Bert has "feelings" for Annie, a person who responds to her closest comrades' problems with shit like "Sorry, I wasn't listening"? When his close personal relationship with Reiner is right there? When those two are closer with each other than with anyone else?
Isayama be like: "This is just how heterosexuality works. You like someone, and there's no real reason or justification for it. You just pick a random person of the opposite gender to be attracted to. What do you mean this isn't how everyone experiences it"
Reiner "I'm not gay even though I fabricated an entire personality to shoulder the weight of fulfilling social expectations placed on me, I'm 100% genuinely interested in the girl that every other guy my age openly acknowledges is attractive" Braun
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