If you are a Web Developer,

then here's list some free tools you are gonna love ♥️

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Table Of Content

1. Hosting
2. Automation Tools
3. No code tools
4. SEO/Digital Maeketing/Promotion/Legal Tools
5. Productivity
6. Code Collaboration
7. Project Management
8. Remote Whiteboard
Hosting -

1. Netlify
2. Vercel
3. Surge
4. Firebase
5. Azure Static Web App
6. Github Pages
7. Glitch
8. Heroku
9. AWS
Automation Tools -

1. Cronjob
2. n8n
3. Integromat
5. Pipedream
No code tools -

1. NoCodeApi
2. GlideApps
3. Airtable
4. Bubble
5. Material Icon Generator
SEO/Digital Maeketing/Promotion/Legal Tools -

1. Metatags
2. Webcode Tools
3. Carbon
4. CodeImg
5. Getterms
6. Beefree
Productivity -

1. CoderMirror
2. Metro Retro
3. Friday
Code Collaboration -

1. CoScreen
2. CodeStream
3. JSFiddle
Remote Whiteboard -

1. Explain Everything
2. A Web Whiteboard
3. Miro
4. Milanote
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