I went for a walk but I had to cut it short because I found a little someone in trouble.
She wasn’t moving much at first but I made shade with my hand and after a while she started moving, just the head then the front leg.
She was a bit startled by the darkness entering the room and got all excited. Now she is chilling in the water.
Just chilling on my desk. Eye movement only...
Cleaning up the shell, so dirty! 🐱
There is a bubble on his nose.
Exploring the environment... she apparently can’t figure out how to get out of the plate, which is good because I don’t have anywhere safe to put her.
I found a pot for the turtle. She seems quite happy though it’s not enough space to swim properly and if she can’t figure out how to get on the thing in the middle for some rest I won’t be able to leave her there.
She is a bit shy and get spooked easily.
Baby turtle doesn’t want to eat crab stick pieces either... leaving the food there she’ll et when she gets hungry. Picky eater right there!
My husband got a shock seeing that we have a turtle now... Proceeded to order an habitat, a lamp, some food... so we are all good! It’s all coming tomorrow.
He is a bit hyperactive. Can’t keep him out of the water.
After more reading it looks like he is stressed out. All I can do is wait and see if he adapts to the environment. My poor baby. 😔
Trying something new to make sure he won’t get exhausted with swimming and can stay on dry land if he wants to. (Not the plate like before because he figured out how to escape that, little escape artist). He is a bit calmer. Hopefully, he’ll be happy in proper lodgings tomorrow.
He is making me laugh so much, he managed to climb the side and landed on his back. 😂
Night time. Hopefully, he’ll be ok in the morning.
After a too short night, the turtle is ok, he is breathing properly, blinking and just overall as sleepy as me so I’m going to leave him alone and just go back to bed.
Good morning! Look who is awake! 🐱
Fully active but not as crazy as he was yesterday. Also playing with his food instead of eating it. 🐱
Turtle going crazy in 1... 2... 2.5....
Hiding under the leaf... and dragging it around the box too...
Look what we just got! Looks like turtle paradise! 🐱
There is no sand in the tank so ordering some now. At least now there is space to swim and hide, dry land and no way to escape (though I’m not sure, this turtle is a great Houdini). 🐱
Exploration! 🐱
Still not hungry. He’s looking at the food like it’s the most suspicious thing he ever saw. Narrowing his eyes even!
Nope, playing with the food but not eating it, he sent it to float away.... đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïžđŸą
I read the kanji wrong, the the heater can be used in the current tank. And I think it was really needed. Look at that not even a minute after I turned it on.
Back on the rock. It looks like nap time.
No swimming, just floating near the rocks. And since yesterday (and this morning) he was constantly moving, I don’t know what’s normal and what isn’t. Turtle problems. Maybe he is just tired. Maybe that’s a lot of changes. 🐱
The turtle’s name is: MOZART

Good news everyone!
I woke up this morning to see that all the food had disappeared from the aquarium. So I gave him a bit more. He didn’t react to it at first and then...
Good breakfast! Nom nom nom! đŸąđŸ„
A bit of rock climbing... Nah that black thing is more comfortable.
Couch potato turtle! 🐱
The lamp just arrived and it’s installed. We’ll see how Mozart reacts so far he doesn’t seem to care.
Mozart ate all his food during the night again. He made a bit of a mess with the crumbs so I changed his water. He isn’t hungry right now, just playing with the cable. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž
The new UV bulb of the lamp makes my phone camera see green. 🐱
Baby turtle pooped in the water only minutes after the water is changed.
That’s a relief because at least his digestive system is working properly but talk about timing! đŸąđŸ’©
Crazy turtle swim. 🐱
“You didn’t think I was going to eat that all at once now, did you?” 🐱
Stuck or going it on purpose? 🐱
Trying some greens today!
Nom nom nom! 🐱
Changing the water!
Rock climbing! This is the first time I saw Mozart climb all the way to the top of the rock. Of course he had to do it from the hardest corner, why take it easy when you can make it complicated?
Here you go! Mozart rock climbing finally caught on camera! đŸȘšđŸą
All cleaned up. Trying to see if I can warm up the water with the light only because Mozart might need it a bit longer than he got so far. 🐱
It’s meal time but Mozart doesn’t seem interested so he went for a little tour in turtle cave instead. 🐱
Personally I think it’s hilarious when he stands up in the water. 🐱
I cut the pellets in half but he still has trouble swallowing them sometimes. It’s a bit scary to watch. 🐱
We’ve got lettuce coming later today. đŸ„Ź
I thought I messed up when putting the heating back in the water as there is a bigger gap between it and the tank’s wall but Mozart figured it out anyway. Back to his favourite place. 🐱
Eating pieces of crab sticks. They sink so he has go pick them up at the bottom. He doesn’t seem to mind. 🐱
Sharing lettuce with Mozart, he has no interested in it so far. đŸąđŸ„Ź
Turtle be like: “Are you sure this is eatable? I’m not convinced, human, let’s talk about this!”
Mozart is still not touching the lettuce. So I gave him some pellets and turns out he was hungry after all. 🐱
Tsss picky eater! Eat your vegetables! đŸ„Ź
Mozart is making zero effort to go look for the food, he’s just waiting for me to add more so he can nab at the closest one.
You’re not fooling anyone terftle, if you want more, clean your plate up first! 🐱
Basking Mozart! 🐱
Silly turtle game part 1
Silly turtle game part 2. 🐱
Not sure what’s up. Maybe it’s because I wasn’t in the room with him as much as usual today, but I’ve got one excited turtle. 🐱
Sleeping on the rocks! 🐱
Mozart and I pulled an all-nighter so now I have a very sleepy turtle.
Look at this little fellow making a mess while eating! 🐱
Still no interest in the lettuce. đŸ„Ź
Mozart only eat lettuce when I’m not looking. He seems especially shy today. 🐱
It looks like the scratch marks on his belly are healing well.
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