I'm never going to forgive the politicians and media outlets responsible for brainwashing most of the population, lying to everybody daily for over a year, and turning families, friends & neighbours against each other.

They should be tried for crimes against humanity.
It's hard to overstate the impact of instilling huge amounts of fear into millions of people, for an extended period.

I'm ever the optimist, but some will never recover from this.

Their minds are baked now and they will forever have an irrational fear of other human beings.
Humans have a natural aversion to anything known to cause infection or disease (disgust response).

Propagandists have used this in the past to divide, enslave, and even trigger genocide.

It's very powerful and people are being trained to see each other as inherently diseased.
Always be vigilant of how you're being programmed...

If you now feel rage or disgust when you see a smiling face in public, a group of people gathered together, or someone merely being near you, then you've been trained to see your fellow man as a pathogen.
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