The campaign ‘What the 2020” will aim to bring out the positives in what was otherwise a year dominated by terrible tragedy. For the most part, 2020 was really hard on the majority of the population with COVID-19 forcing us to dramatically change the way in which we live
in March 2020 offices, workplaces, and schools alike were left deserted in favor of working from home, online school, and endless online meetings.
While the news about 2020 was predominantly negative this campaign will attempt to bring to light the lesson learned and the way we as humans have adapted to survive during 2020.
We would like to know one positive thing you have come across in 2020? Feel free to reply to this thread with your answers!
You can follow @Whatthe20201.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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