hey is it normal for therapists to try to recruit clients on a twitter account that they also use to uh, fight with people
because uh https://twitter.com/SAMOYEDCORE/status/1383257227239198726?s=19
cool, cool
they have a professional account that they constantly retweet their main from and that they apparently use to communicate with clients??
how many of these people doing his fights for him are his CLIENTS? this is horror story shit, the only therapist i've ever heard of doing this kind of thing before is jordan peterson
are you like... allowed to do this without a license
it's admittedly a pretty good racket, contributing to toxic policing of neurodivergent people's language and then selling people a solution that will make them virtuous or whatever. while also running an activist patreon that confers discounts on the "therapy"
i also want to note just as a social media etiquette thing that i think using autism awareness hashtags to advertise your sketchy fake therapy is very sinister
it's leveraging community resources for personal profit and ego-stroking
normal way to communicate with your clients
i feel like maybe professionalism and boundaries with your clients and getting licensed are actually standard features of the therapy experience for a reason and they aren't just a neurotypical conspiracy to keep this guy down
i really don't think the problem people have with this guy's therapy practice is that he's neurodivergent!!!
i have talked to my therapist about social justice work as a therapist and stuff like that and it's an important aspect of therapy for me and for her practice to her because she can't treat people for the problems of capitalism while being indoctrinated by it
but what this earthnamek guy does us super fucking sketchy, he's blurring the lines between his "activism" (this activism is entirely twitter fight based, he's no different from a debate bro) and his practice, he's leveraging fans and twitter followers into clients
and the way he tries to fight for people to put their neurodivergencies in their profiles and then offers to "validate" their self-dx is sketchy as shit, because he's making up a way to be a "virtuous autistic" or whatever and then telling people they can pay him to become one
also, as others have pointing out, withholding your credentials until someone has paid you isn't a good practice. blurring this stuff with payment is just generally not a good idea, because people will try to justify the money they gave you by turning into more of a mob
anyway you can see why he's terrified of getting a callout post, since he probably knows that he's running the adhd/autism version of those scam transition help services that were going around a few months ago.
so you uh, think it's normal for therapists to pick fights on twitter with teenagers as part of an effort to recruit clients? what about blocking people who ask for credentials, is that normal? https://twitter.com/JacalynLeake/status/1383527838435790850?s=19
what about refusing to show credentials until clients have paid? what about running fake activism via a patreon that consists of picking fights on twitter and then using that spectacle to recruit clients?
what about bragging about the numbers of self-refered clients? is that professional? what about using twitter, an insecure platform, for client communication?
personally if i was a real therapist i would NOT be going to bat for this scammer
there is, in fact, a long history of neurodivergent adults getting taken advantage of and pulled into cults. they are a vulnerable enough group that you can scam them, just like you can scam young trans people into buying transition subscription services featuring fake therapy.
is whatever board licensed him okay with the total lack of personal boundaries with your clients? what about with doing professional communication on twitter and zoom. but he has to do it this way because using his full name on the website he uses to recruit clients is... bad?
sorry to keep harping on this one guy i just think there are a lot of grifters out there that look like this, who use their marginalizations as a shield against criticism, and who want to recruit you into a grift, a cult, a grift/cult, a scam, whatever
i want you to have your hackles up about red flags from people like this. social media is a breeding ground for them. activist circles are fertile soil for them. anyone who's a little lost, due to alienation, neurodivergence/mental illness, trans status, are perfect victims.
this guy is just trying to fleece you and get you to fight his internet battles for you, afaict. but there's others. be careful.
and remember, especially with medical shit, the rules are there for a reason. you don't want a medical provider who isn't bound to them. you don't want your sessions to be fodder for internet fights, or to have your info leak in a twitter or zoom hack.
he's currently addressing my criticisms by saying he's a positive role model, which is an interesting approach. i would refer to this as the "keep digging" approach.
he also claimed i called him a pedophile. i assumed he has mixed me up with himself, since he's been spending the last several days airing out an old callout that accused a then minor of being a pedophile
personally i would avoid connecting myself to old tumblr callouts that, iirc, asked the reader to go through a minor's sexts, but im not a "professional therapist"
well that answers the question about whether he's registered with a board or anything of any kind that would provide accountability if he was to, say, have horrifying boundaries with his clients. which he obviously, based on his tweets, does
that's not even going into the idea that "being employed" makes one a role model. you'll see tells in this guy's tweets and retweets about how bad he is at intersectional leftism though
"keep out of these things"
but the idea that neurodivergent people might be particularly vulnerable to grifters, groomers and cults is "infantalizing"
i did find the tweets from a few months ago where trans women were talking about the unique oppression they face and he got all "i am uncomfortable when we are not about me" and went off about "transmisandry" so uh. a bad choice for a queer therapist. plus the misgendering.
the planned parenthood website is the same as therapy
i suppose my experience with reproductive health clinics is similar to my experience with him: both had access to my correct gender information and called me "she" anyway
that was from after i went to bed, we'll see if he continues having a stick up his ass on weed day while living in a legal weed country
also i guess he's pretending to be a doctor now? i don't know. he's still pretending to be an anime character. his whole bit is very confusing frankly
just wanted to wrap this up real quick! he locked his account but before that he was back to obsessing over August, he's claiming to be deactivating but we'll see if that lasts.
i am not sure that he's breaking laws by practicing therapy without a license, but based on his own tweets he has no system of accountability, so if he does anything wrong with his patients, they have no one to turn to for help.
this means he's asking the people paying him $50/session to put absolute trust in him in regards to both their mental health and their personal privacy. needless to say, this is incredibly dangerous. never go to any kind of medical provider who doesn't have any accountability.
it's really easy to find this guy's real name and information; he seems to have worked for actual medical providers including therapists.
i will say that given the amount of info they obviously put out there on purpose, i think "i can't give you my credentials because my personal information" is a dodge.
whether or not it's legal, what he's doing is dangerous. i think it's a grift, but it's possible he genuinely thinks that he's somehow able to use his magical neurodivergent powers to help people in a way that justifies putting himself in an easily abusable position.
yes, it's deeply unethical. https://twitter.com/3liza/status/1385014346728624129?s=19
anyway i just wanted to get that out there since this seems to be the thread on this guy. i blocked him last night because I had shit to do post-verdict and was getting tired of his dipshit little minions calling me names.
i think this guy is an incredibly shitty leftist, but there's a million of those on this site. the therapy practice is the problem. i would not want anyone who has behaved as unstably as he has for the past few days to have access to any intimate information about anyone.
hopefully he stays offline, though I'm guessing he just turns his "professional" account that he previously just used to retweet main into the new account to do this on. i hope his practice dries up. what a scary guy to be an unaccountable therapist. eugh.
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