There are a lot of ways men’s mental health isn’t being adequately addressed by society but what we’re not going to do is use that as an excuse to perpetuate harmful sexist narratives about the family court system that abuses women every day /1
A common MRA talking point is that the family court system favors women over men. This isn't a benign claim. Not only is it incorrect but it feeds into narratives that justify abuse against women and children given custody to abusers /2
While it is more likely that women get custody of children after a divorce 91% of custody agreements are decided without any court interference and its often based on outdated gender stereotypes or that men dont want full custody /3
So while I think men deserve resources and help and while I think there might be some neglect we absolutely CANNOT let those issues perpetuate narratives that contribute to misogynistic abuse
Additionally while it’s true that women earn 56% of college degrees, they still trail with the overall pay gap. One reason men go to college less is because there are more job options for them that don’t require a degree. The stats don’t necessarily mean “suffering”
Important thread to add to this discussion. When men fight for custody they get custody. The family court system IS NOT biased against men. It often instead is weaponized against women
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