A LITTLE MORE FLESH II premieres at @SohoHorrorFest tomorrow! To celebrate, I'm starting a thread of the film's art influences. I'll also throw in some lovely reviews as they go live. First up, from the influences pile, all of Francis Bacon's triptychs, but especially this one.
HUGE SPOILERS 'Harley's performance especially took my breath away. I came with expectations, but this one really took me by surprise. I found it even scarier, it's so twisted & dark. Some of the scenes really disturbed me. I highly recommend watching it.'
(Thank you so much @psycstar - this analysis really does mean so much to Harley and I, especially those final minutes - thank you!)
Here's a couple more A LITTLE MORE FLESH II art references before I share the next wave of reviews, ahead of tonight's premiere at @SohoHorrorFest. Here's two works from Polish artist Zdzisław Beksiński - a photo and a painting - that influenced a really significant sequence.
‘Imagine if J.G. Ballard had taken a stab at writing Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon’s The Trip…'

'...With a genuine style that belies his (ultra) low budgets, the director is a punk provocateur to champion.’ Incredible review, thank you @Rob_A_Daniel! https://www.electric-shadows.com/ashurst-little-more-flesh-ii-review/
‘The degree of trust between Dee and Ashurst especially is a marvel, and without it the film would lack the radically vicious punch that it undeniably packs.’

Absolutely blown away by this piece of writing - thank you @suspirialex.

‘In the lead role, Harley Dee does excellent work as the bright eyed actor…'

'...Not only has Ashurst turned the intensity far past 11, he's ripped the knob off to ensure it can't be turned down.’

Love this! Thank you @roddersj04!

One last influence before I share the final review wave. A LITTLE MORE FLESH II’s score was very influenced by David Lynch’s ambient soundscapes. I taught myself to make this stuff for the film. It seemed to work for people, I'm very grateful for that.
I LOVE @Colak’s freestyle rant over at @sinister_cinema. I never thought I’d say that about a video that wishes such a truly hideous fate on me (involving congress with donkeys). Sorry for giving you nightmares Kinell!
Incredible review at @HorrorObsessive. This section is literally my dream response to the milk scene. Inducing a hallucination is what I’ve been striving for across my Trance Trilogy (future historians, take note of this descriptor). Thank you Sean Parker! https://horrorobsessive.com/2021/04/19/soho-horror-film-festival-a-little-more-flesh-ii-and-week-eleven-shorts/
Can't believe I missed this yesterday, such a beautiful piece. Thank you @SaltiredPopcorn.

I think that's it for the reviews, if anyone's written anything I've missed, please add it to this thread. Thanks to everyone who thought and wrote about our film! https://foritismansnumber.blogspot.com/2021/04/a-little-more-flesh-ii-2021.html?spref=tw
You can follow @samashurst.
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