Navalny's people found out that Putin has a float tank in his dacha, and make fun of it: he's clearly not as ascetic as the media portrays him to be.

They're forgetting that John Lilly used the tank to talk to aliens, Joe Rogan to turn into a wolf & live among ancient tribes →
→ and the most prominent appearance of the tank in the Russian literature is in Pelevin's "Burning Bush," where it's used, together with a psychedelic cocktail, to train a voice actor to feel he is God, in order to convincingly impersonate God in transmissions to George W. →
→ Bush, who has a receiver/speaker in his tooth, covertly installed by the secret services during dental surgery. (The book is 11 years old.)

The fact that Putin has both a church and a floating tank on his premises is bad news for the opposition.
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