Hey all, I’m not weighing in on the Raya take because 1, I haven’t seen the media involved & 2, I’m white so this is really not my business. But I do want to talk about something in this video that I wish more people understood, ie this practice of compiling a “list of sins.” https://twitter.com/thelindsayellis/status/1382727057898049536
I’ll call it cancel culture trope 9: Encyclopedia Problematica. There is a parallel between “diet Nazi” Internet (8chan/ED/KF doxxers) and Twitter wokescolds in this tactic of anthologizing a person’s entire history of misdeeds & embarrassments, and weaponizing it to harass them.
Compare: Encyclopedia Dramatica (far right 4chan supplement that publishes humilitainment articles, revenge porn, etc alongside alleged moral crimes) & your fave is problematic (ye old Tumblr blog posting compendia of public figures’ lifetime social justice crimes & misdemeanors)
“Cancel culture” is not unique to the left. Remember that Gamergate was ignited by a Tumblr-esque callout post (Gamergate being essentially cancel culture for male misogynists)
I’ve noticed a disturbing crossover between far-right doxxing and far-left mobbing, a pipeline of humiliating or incriminating information passing over from one group to the other. Eg, Twitter leftists “canceling” people with information fed to them by doxxers/channers
The “Rape Rap” mentioned in this video being a good example, a cancelable transgression Lindsay never intended for public eyes, preserved and held over her for years by Nazis, only to be trotted out 12 years later by leftists trying to make the case that she’s a Horrible Person
Please be very careful and try to notice when this is happening and not take part. We have to fight for the distinction between good-faith criticism of a person’s words vs. the perverse character assassination that often goes on here.
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