Fellow pro-lifers don’t dehumanize ppl killed by the police in order to prove they had it coming and their death is of no concern. It contradicts our stated belief that every human life is worthy of dignity and respect and should be protected from conception to natural death. 1/
Fellow pro-lifers when we rightly argue that child’s life in the womb is worthy of protection regardless of the circumstances & then we state the unarmed Blk person's life isn't worthy of protection bc they resisted arrest, ppl see us as inconsistent, hypocritical racists. 2/
Fellow pro-lifers in the midst of folks grieving over violence agst Black ppl during encounters w 🚔, interjecting that more Blk ppl die from abortion implies ppl shouldn’t be grieving or seeking justice and also that we aren’t grieving or concerned for these Blk lives. 3/
Fellow pro-lifers we have the capacity to both/and w abortion & euthanasia so I know we have the capacity to both/and w abortion & other threats agst life incl police killing Blk ppl in their custody. Let’s exercise charity & come together w others to build a culture of life. FIN
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